Meta launched Cloud-based API on the WhatsApp Business Platform

Mark Zuckerberg announced its company is opening up the new, cloud-based version of the WhatsApp Business Platform, hosted by Meta, to any business across the world.

The WhatsApp Business platform enables medium and large businesses to communicate with their customers at scale. You can initiate conversations with your customers in minutes, send customer support notifications or after-sales information, offer them a personalized level of service and support on their preferred communication channel.

With this new API, they’re offering free, secure cloud hosting services so businesses and developers can easily access the service within minutes, build directly on top of WhatsApp to customize their experience and increase their response time for their customers. So now, whether a business wants to work with one of our 100+ partners or access our service directly, it will be much faster to get up and running on WhatsApp.

The big change that this new tool brings is the speed of setting up WhatsApp Business for your business. It is no longer necessary to rely on the services of WhatsApp partners to take advantage of the set of features offered by the WhatsApp Business platform.

Whatever web applications your business uses, we can help you quickly integrate WhatsApp as a communication channel with your customers, whether to answer their questions, notify them when their order is ready, allow them to confirm or cancel an appointment, etc. You don’t need to use the WhatsApp on the phone or a computer, could be done via email or from your CRM. The company adds, however, that companies will not be able to send messages to their customers or users unless they have specifically requested to be contacted.

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