Multiple Question Types
Choose from a wide range of question types such as NPS, CSAT, CES, Likert scale, multiple choice and many more.
Predefined Choices
Bulk-add customized responses or select from our predefined lists such as country, gender or employment type.
Responsive Builder
Start on your computer, complete on your smartphone. All features are available regardless of your device.
Conditional Branching
Personalize what respondents see by showing or hiding questions depending on their previous answers.
Build chatbot surveys, conversational forms, web questionnaires, or offline surveys. Choose your style and collect responses where your respondents want.
Custom Design
Personalize the look of your survey for mobile and web views. Match your company’s branding to provide a beautiful experience and increase response rates.

Analyse, Collaborate, Integrate, Automate.
Do all this from your RightSurvey account.
Real-time Reports & Analysis
Analyze responses and uncover insights with our real-time reporting dashboard. View per respondent or per question. Export data as PDF, Excel, or connect to RightData for in-depth analysis.
Invite team members to collaborate on surveys. You can grant them access to edit questions, view only or analyse responses.
Do more with RightSurvey using workflows, APIs, webhooks, and integrations. Automate actions based on survey responses. Set the rules and let the system do the rest.
Data Security
Surveys are secured using SSL encryption to ensure respondents’ privacy and information integrity. RightSurvey is also fully GDPR compliant.
Contact Management
Import contact details from CSV, Excel, Google Contacts, Salesforce, or your preferred CRM. Create multiple lists to categorize your respondents.
Powerful QR Code Editor
Create multiple QR codes for the same survey. Assign QR codes per location, per audience, or per floor: there is no limit. View all responses on the same reporting dashboard.
No credit card required.