The 7 Most Misunderstood Facts About Call Center
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The call center is a highly technical, labor-intensive and expensive industry. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many misconceptions about call centers that prevent businesses from trying out new solutions and techniques in the sector. If you are working with customers over the phone, then this article will help you understand how your business can benefit by hiring an expert call center manager who can help improve both customer satisfaction levels and productivity levels at your business or organization.

1. Working in a call center is easy work

You may have heard that working in a call center is easy work, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Working in a call center is not just for people who are outgoing and comfortable on the phone; it’s also not for those with good customer service skills, nor does it require you to have prior experience as a customer service agent. It’s true that some jobs in this field do require strong communication skills, but there are many other important qualities needed for success at work!

To help you better understand what it takes to succeed at your next job opportunity (or even if there aren’t any available)

  • It’s not easy work
  • You don’t have to be outgoing or comfortable on the phone (but it helps!)
  • Call center agents are often required to have prior experience in customer service
  • Working in this field can be very rewarding, but only if you’re willing to put in the long hours!

2. Call centers are annoying and unhelpful

The second most misunderstood fact about call centers is that they are always annoying and unhelpful. Let us talk about this one first, because it’s not uncommon to hear people say something like: “I hate when I call a call center!” or “My phone has been ringing non-stop from a telemarketer.” But what happens if you actually ask yourself why you would want to use a call center?

You might be surprised by the answer.

If you’re like most people, you want to find a company that is helpful, friendly and knowledgeable about the products or services they offer. And just as often as not, call centers are the one place where this can happen!

3. The customer is always right

Customer service is about helping customers. This may seem obvious, but it’s often forgotten in the rush to meet quotas or satisfy shareholders. Customer service is not just about making sure that your customers are happy with their products and services, but also ensuring that they have a good experience overall. And here’s another thing most people forget: sometimes you can’t always do what the customer wants—especially if your company has been around for decades longer than theirs!

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do everything in your power to help. You just need to look at the situation from their point of view and try to understand why they want what they want. If you can do that, then you’ll be able to provide them with a solution that works for both of you—and keep them coming back for more!

4. Call centers are only for outgoing calls to customers

Call centers are not just for outgoing calls to customers. They can also be used to communicate with suppliers, vendors and other partners. In many cases, call centers will have a dedicated manager who works with internal departments or individuals within your organization on various projects or initiatives that need attention.

Call center managers are able to connect with customers through voice-based interaction over the phone by providing them with information about products or services that they may have inquiries about or provide feedback on their experience with a company’s products or services.

5. The call center industry has no future

The call center industry is growing and it’s a good thing. This means more opportunities for you to make an impact on customers’ lives, and also that your business will survive in this competitive market.

You might be wondering what the future holds for the call center industry, but don’t worry—there are plenty of growth opportunity in the sector and a lot of change is happening thanks to digital and AI.

6. Call centers are expensive and only for large businesses

Call centers are cost effective, scalable and can be used by small businesses as well. They save time and provide a personalized touch that makes your customers feel like they are talking to someone who cares about them. Call centers are efficient, so you don’t have to waste time setting up appointments or making phone calls back and forth between different departments. Call centers also offer a user-friendly platform that allows customers to easily navigate through the website or app without having trouble understanding the process or what information they need on their next visit!

7. Remote call centers aren’t too secure

A call center is a place where customers can speak to representatives of a company and their physical location is irrelevant as long as the right information in the right context can be provided to the customer. Call centers are vulnerable to cyber attacks and they need to be secure, just like any other department in an organisation. Also, since they rely on large infrastructure and manpower, the call center industry has been plagued by security vulnerabilities that have caused companies worldwide to suffer significant losses in revenue due to compromised data or lost customer information. A preventive and agile security strategy at all levels is the best strategy to keep the call center secure.

Call centers also require compliance with regulations and laws governing their operation; this includes having systems that comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) as well as HIPAA standards (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) when healthcare data gets involved.

A well-organized, properly managed call center can be very beneficial to most businesses on a number of levels.

It can help them save money and increase efficiency by eliminating the need for agents to spend time researching the customer’s question or issue. It also allows them to reach new markets more effectively than they would otherwise be able to do so without a call center in place.

Call centers are used by many companies today because they allow them to provide better customer service while at the same time reducing costs through reduced training costs and increased productivity due to outsourcing some functions (such as customer service or telesales) as opposed doing everything themselves within their own offices – something which would require hiring additional employees elsewhere instead.”


The call center is a vital part of many businesses, and it’s important to know where your company stands when it comes to dealing with customer issues. If you have any questions or would like more information about how we can help, watch our client Paystack case study, read more about our CX BPO Outsourcing service or contact us now!

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