A series on the perils of queue management during Covid 19 pandemic: Finale
A recap of our dilemma in queues
In the previous series, This queue is too long. Help!!!!! and 5 tips to staying safe in a queue, you stepped into the shoes of your customers as they joined queues. Yes, it is as dramatic as it has been painted to be. With the Covid 19 pandemic, you need all the arsenal you can get to survive as business.

Managing queues are now costly
Are you excited to be operating fully? I bet the excitement have been dulled down by increased operational costs- for implementing safety protocols for your queues. The calculator in your head starts running the figures. Your accountant is on the phone with you. He is calculating how much it would cost to implement all the safety measures for your queues. You need a thermometer gun, sanitizers and hand washing stations. Social distancing protocols have to be implemented and extra space needs to be set up to handle the foot traffic. All these cost money. It is the price to pay to earn revenue in this era. Isn’t that wild? A part of you may want to be lackadaisical about these measures in the bid to save money. You think some customers may not mind.
Hold up. Wait a minute!! Which of your customers are ok with this? What data do you have to back this decision up? Are you aware of how many customers have been turned away by your long and unbearable queues? By the blatant disregard for safety protocols as they wait in queues. You do not need to be that business. A customer in hand, is worth five new ones.

New customer journey for the win
Be that business that always thinks of the customer. Part one and part two of this series shared insights on how your customers feel in a queue. Here are four simple ways that you can complete the new customer journey and help maintain the sanity of your customers as they join queues to patronize your products and services.
Urge them to schedule appointments online
To make life easy and to encourage the flow of traffic, your customers can now make an appointment with you. As a business, you have a fair idea of the number of people you get to serve each day and your customers are assured that they will not spend too much time outside, reducing their risk of contracting the corona virus. With Right Time, our scheduling web application, your customers can schedule for an appointment in four easy steps.
Get them to join queues off premise
Customers can now join the queue without being on sight. Yes. With RightBot, your customers can join the queue via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Twitter. This automated chatbot will ensure consistent communication with customers as you handle other issues at hand.
Manage your queues with ease
Combined with Right Time and Right bot, your customer service agents can handle all issues and tickets raised by your customers in the queue with Right Q. This light weight queue management system can help you measure the waiting and handling times of your customers in your queue. You can make informed decisions with this information to ensure that your customers are happy and satisfied with the products and services that you provide.
Close the loop with feedback
Your customer journey can only be complete with feedback from your customers. You can use RightSurvey, to gather the sentiments of your customers and ensure that you improve the journey that you have set in place.
Do not fall in the trap of sacrificing customer experience at the expense of cost. Click here to request for our free Covid 19 solutions. It is a game changer for your experience management.